Relevant Experience
Full stack Engineer(2022 - Present)
- Developing websites for clients in WordPress, using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
- Customizing front end Javascript frameworks like bootstrap for customerrequirements.
- Setting up development environments for efficient and fluid development lifecycle.
- Migrating code from development machine to web server using Git and sftp.
Rockland Career Center
Full stack Engineer intern (2018 - 2019)
- Converted a legacy paper-and-pencil system into an automated website and app.
- Developed a mobile app in React Native to streamline the user experience.
- Built an API in node to interact with the Wordpress backend from the mobile app.
- Created a Wordpress plugin to save custom information like resumes' in the SQL
- Designed an extensive UI/UX for desktop and mobile, to match job seekers and
- Trained a team of career specialists to use administrative features on the website.
Rockland Small Business Development Center
Full stack Engineer intern (2016 - 2017)
- Developed the SBDC website using Wordpress.
- Created mobile apps in React Native for SBDC clients.
- Built e-commerce websites using Shopify for SBDC clients.
- Developed Python and C++ scripts to convert legacy product data into a format used
by Shopify.
Projects & Hackathons
ML Music Generator
- Trained a Pytorch Transformer with ~150k songs to generate music.
- Lead and mentored 4 students in training the Deep Learning model.
- Developed a Flask API to inference the model and return a JSON object to the client.
- Created Wordpress middleware to serve a front-end website to call the backend API.
- Rendered the generated music with a Typescript library called Open Sheet Music
- Awarded “Best Project” and was presented for CCNY’s “Industry Day 2022”.
GOES-R Hackathon submission 2021
- Awarded first place in the “Computer Science” category.
- Constructed a dataset of satellite images to be used in ML frameworks using Python.
- Worked in a team of three in a 48 hour coding challenge window.
Selfie Recognition Lookup System
- Developed an application to match uploaded user selfies to similar faces.
- Used a trained PyTorch model, Facenet, to support facial-recognition.
- Connected the model to a SQL database that stored selfies, and other user data.